Initial Consultation is Free.

Drug Charges

Illegal Drugs

Drug charges are a serious matter.  If you are convicted of a drug related offense, you may:

  • Be incarcerated
  • Lose your driver’s license
  • Lose your right to possess firearms
  • Lose your right to vote
  • Face court costs and fines in the thousands of dollars

These are all legitimate worries. You do not have to go this alone. If you wondering who will speak for you, who to trust, and how much this will cost, the solution is simple:  Call Sutton & Lovette.

We will listen and answer your questions. The initial consultation is free.


Meet face to face with one of our experienced attorneys. Do this in advance of your hearing. Tell us your concerns in your own words.

We’ll explain to you how we can help resolve those concerns. Always, our primary goal is to give you the best possible legal defense and guidance. We strive, whenever possible, to prevent a conviction, jail time and loss of your rights.

Attorneys Sutton & Lovette each participate in annual training for drug related criminal defense. This includes specific emphasis and updates on defending cases involving: Possession with Intent to Deliver Narcotics, Police Use of Confidential Informants, Challenging Faulty Car Searches and Search Warrants, and having illegally obtained evidence suppressed (thrown out of court). We strive always to protect and defend your rights under the 4th Amendment.

We have successfully defended clients charged with the following:

  • Possession of Small Amounts of Marijuana
  • Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
  • Simple Drug Possession (Marijuana, Cocaine, Crack, MDMA, Heroin, Fentanyl, LSD,
  • Suboxone, Methamphetamine, Amphetamine, PCP, all Schedule I, II, III, IV drugs)
  • Possession With Intent to Deliver (Marijuana, Cocaine, Crack, MDMA, Heroin, Fentanyl, LSD, Suboxone, Methamphetamine, Amphetamine, PCP, all Schedule I, II, III, IV drugs)
  • Drug Delivery Resulting in Death
  • Child Endangerment as a Result of Drug Charges
Attorney John Lovette

Attorney John Lovette

Drug cases require meticulous work and attention to detail that many defense attorneys overlook.

Attorneys Sutton & Lovette will put in the effort required to protect you before, during, and after criminal charges are filed.  Call us today to discuss your case.