Initial Consultation is Free.
Estate Planning
& Administration

Attorneys Sutton & Lovette are very experienced in all the legalities of estate planning and administration. We work with clients from all means and backgrounds. Together we determine an estate plan that carries out client’s wishes while providing for their spouse and children – minors or adults, as well as other family members, favorite charities, family run businesses and more. Thoughtful estate planning can help minimize tax consequences and probate costs.
Life is unpredictable. Be prepared. Contact Attorneys Sutton & Lovette regarding:
- Simple Wills
- Complex Wills
- Trusts
- Charitable Trusts
- Power of Attorney
- Living Wills and Medical Power of Attorney
- Guardianships
- Estate Administration upon the death of someone with a will
- Estate Administration upon the deal of someone without a will
- Probate Court
The initial consultation is free.
Estate Planning &